Astrobot: Character Properties

Levels, Parts, Stats, Durability and Elemental Power


You can level up your Astrobot by earning experience points in the game's Campaign Mode (PVE) or Battle Mode (PVP). By leveling up, your Astrobot gains valuable Stats.


As you play, you'll have the chance to level up your Astrobot and equip it with powerful weapons. But what makes each Astrobot special is the unique combination of its four parts: Arms, Torso, Legs, and Head.

Arms: Think of your Astrobot's arms as its powerhouse. They give your Astrobot an Active Skill and boost its Attack stat.

Legs: Legs make your Astrobots speedy and agile, giving it a Buff Skill and a boost to its Speed stat.

Torso: The torso is the foundation of your Astrobot, providing it a Passive Skill and giving it extra staying power with a higher HP stat.

Head: The head determines your Astrobot's Refining ability and overall Luck stat.

Stats & Rarity

Every Astrobot has four defining Stats: Attack, Speed, HP, and Luck.

Attack is all about power. The higher your Astrobot's Attack stat, the more damage it can dish out.

Speed is the key to quick thinking and fast moves. A high Speed stat means your Astrobot can attack and use skills more often.

HP is all about toughing it out. The higher the HP, the more physical damage your Astrobot can take.

Luck adds a touch of unpredictability to the game, determining how often your Astrobot will deliver critical damage and how well it can refine Astro Gem.

CombatPower is the statistic that adds Attack, Speed, HP and Luck together and is the ultimate measure of your Astrobot's might.

Your Astrobot's rarity is determined by CombatPower and comes with five tiers: Common (green), Uncommon (light blue), Rare (purple), Legendary (red), and Mythic (with special glowing effects).

[Image to be inserted here with 5 Astrobots with different rarities.]


Durability score shows how much it will cost to repair your Astrobots. After each game mode, either in a Campaign Mode (PVE) or Battle Mode (PVP), your Astrobots may sustain damage. This damage will lower their durability, which is a measure of how well they are functioning. If the durability drops to zero, your Astrobots will stop working and you'll need to use some of your in-game resources to get them back up and running.


Each Astrobot can have one of the five Elements: Fire, Water, Wind, Light or Dark. These elemental forces have their own distinct strengths and weaknesses.

Water is strong against Fire.

Fire is strong against Wind.

Wind is strong against Water.

Light and Dark are strong against each other.

As you journey through the game, you'll discover that having a deck of five Astrobots with the same elemental power will unlock special bonuses and skill activations that will give you a significant advantage in battle.

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