Game Account => Wallet
Astrobots (Game Account => Wallet)
Click on the "Astrobot" menu on your home screen. Once you're there, click on the Astrobot that you want to transfer to your Wallet.
This will take you to your selected Astrobot's detail page where you can see all the details about your Astrobot.
To transfer your Astrobot to your Wallet, two things need to happen:
(a) your Astrobot's energy must be full. You have three types of energy: PVE, PVP, and Refine. Once all three are full, your Astrobot is ready to go.
(b) your Astrobot's durability must be full. If your Astrobot is damaged, you can't transfer it to your Wallet.
And that's it! Just remember, you can only transfer your Astrobot from your Game Account to your Wallet when it's in prime condition. So keep an eye on those energy levels and durability.
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